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Toy Story Cake

Availability:In stock
SKU 0307010588
Cake with sugar paste, with decorative elements inspired by the movie "Toy Story". Woody and Buzz are our favorite duo, we always decorate it by whispering "You've Got A Friend In Me ".
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Cake with sugar paste, with decorative elements inspired by the movie "Toy Story". Woody and Buzz are our favorite duo, we always decorate it by whispering "You've Got A Friend In Me ".
Cake Dimensions: 6-8 pieces Φ 16cm x 8cm / 10-18 pieces Φ 16cm x 12cm / 14-16 pieces Φ 16cm x 16cm / 18-20 pieces Φ 20cm x 12cm / 22-24 pieces Φ 20cm x 16cm / 26-28 pieces Φ 24cm x 12cm / 30-32 pieces Φ 24cm x 16cm
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Interest Disney